Defending Your School: “Target Hardening”

School Security Specialists

This is a continuation of the discussion about the Public Safety Commission’s findings in their investigation of the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. Read more about those findings in our last blog installment: What Can We Learn From Parkland?

Target Hardening and Why It’s Important

In the investigation following the Parkland shooting, one of the Public Safety Commission’s recommendations included “target hardening”. In essence, Target Hardening is the strengthening of a building to:

  • Prevent crime
  • Protect occupants during an attack

At it’s core, target hardening actions aim to physically hinder an attack from occurring and achieve the four D’s of physical security:

  1. Deny access
  2. Delay the act
  3. Detect the crime
  4. Deter the attack

An example of how target hardening was effective in the Parkland shooting:

The fortified glass in the teachers lounge prevented the attacker from shooting out the window and effecting a sniper position.

School Security Specialists, window glass options, target hardeningOther examples of target hardening measures include:
  Install electronically controlled doors — doors that can be locked remotely or locally, with the appropriate hardware on single and double doors to resist forced entry.

  Install ballistic resistant glass — fortified glass, or glass covering on classroom interior doors and windows.

E-rate: Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries

Of particular interest in the Public Safety Commission’s report is the mention of the E-rate Program from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The program provides school funding for high tech infrastructure.

The report recommends that school districts partake in the E-rate initiative (also referred to as the “Schools and Libraries” program). The funding can be used to pay for and utilize current high speed broadband, as it relates to school security. For example: enhancing camera and audio capability as technology is being implemented.

Let School Security Specialists help you:

Choose the best doors, windows, locks, security features and other hardware for your campus. To learn more about target hardening or to discuss your school or district’s unique security concerns, contact our team. We’ll do an assessment and put together a plan to fit your needs. Call us today for a free consultation, toll-free: 202-297-5922.

The Commission’s Target Hardening recommendations can be found on page 345 of their report.

Link: Commission’s Report (view PDF).